The Value of Open Houses: Boost Your Property Sales in Columbus, OH

The Value of Open Houses: Boost Your Property Sales in Columbus, OH

Columbus, Ohio has become a hot place to own property. With vibrant neighborhoods, fine dining, and professional sports teams, this booming city offers plenty to do. If you're trying to sell your property in Cbus, you'll want to do everything possible to reap the rewards of the city's appeal.

That means hosting open houses. Read on to learn about open house strategies that can maximize your property sales!

Focus on Staging

A welcoming interior space is critical to making the best impression on visitors to your open house. Start by decluttering to remove bulky furniture that can make rooms feel small. Likewise, remove personal photographs so visitors can picture themselves in your Columbus home.

Don't overlook curb appeal, either. Trim the hedges, add mulch, and inject a few colorful plantings into your landscaping. You also can repaint trim or shutters to create more visual appeal as visitors pull up to your home.

Make Marketing a Priority

When it comes to real estate marketing tips, visuals are key. You can use strong visuals and vivid descriptions to attract people to your open house.

Take excellent photographs of your home that spotlight its best features. Use drone footage to capture a broader view of the property and surrounding area in Columbus.

To increase property sales, people need to know about your property first. Find an online real estate platform where you can list the open house, and use social media to leverage visibility.

Try Unique Approaches

Creative solutions can do the trick when you want to distinguish your property from the crowd. Selling a home in a saturated market means buyers will be picky.

Schedule open houses on weekends or evenings to get the most foot traffic. Play ambient music or light fragrant candles to set a pleasing tone.

Consider offering coupons to local eatering for guests. Or host a themed open house to make the experience more playful. Additionally, look into offering a virtual open house to reach interested parties not living in the Columbus area.

Follow up With Visitors

You'll see the benefits of open houses only if you keep the effort going beyond them. A successful approach to real estate requires ongoing communication with potential buyers.

Look at your sign-in list and reach out to everyone on it. Email additional information about the home and provide your contact information. Don't be overly aggressive with too many forms of outreach, but do be intentional about following up within a few days.

Turn to Open Houses

Open houses can be an effective way to draw attention to your property. Start with a staging strategy that makes your home look spacious and fresh. Then craft a marketing campaign and follow up with visitors to get the most from your efforts.

At PMI Columbus, we have the real estate expertise to help you get the biggest financial rewards from your property. Trust us to handle all aspects of property management and marketing so you don't have to. Contact us today to learn more!
